The ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1950’s and 60’s came as a mixed blessing for mankind and society, and although there has been a massive increase in the amount of food we produce, it has become less nutritious and soil fertility has suffered.
The use of chemicals, as well as unsustainable farming and gardening methods has meant that our
precious top soils are being lost at an alarming rate. Beneficial soil organisms that are vital to soil
health are being harmed and soil structure is being destroyed. As a result, natural fertility and
resistance to disease has suffered as we become more and more entangled in the trap of chemical
dependence to keep up with demand.
All is not lost! By making a few simple changes, and a helping hand from Ecobiz Farms, you can
resuscitate your garden, breath LIFE back in to your soils and help nature take its course. In no time at all you will start to see a difference as you witness Mother Nature regain control once
Living organisms and indigenous earthworms that play an important role in maintaining fertility,
structure, drainage, and aeration of soil will return to your soils. Bird and bee activity will become
more evident as they all work in harmony to return health your environment to a healthier and more
productive state
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